As well as offering numerous examples, the book provides comprehensive coverage of essential marketing principles, such as developing a marketing plan, understanding consumebehaviour, doing marketi…
This book is designed to be read by students and others starting out in their careers in the travel and tourism business.
This book is a result of transnatonal collaboration between members of the Associaton fot Tourism and Leisure Education (ATLAS).
The Ethics of Tourism Development draws upon a variety of ethical traditions to develop an original perspective on the relations between ethical, economic and aesthetic values in the context of mod…
This book is the result of the desire of the authoto provide a set of case studies from around the world focusing on a growing segment of the tourism industry; niche tourism.
Torismes 3 poursuit la reflexion entreprise 2002 dans Tourismes 1, lineux communs et Tourismes 2, moments de lieux. Cet ouvrsge sborde les temps longs du tourisme en montrant et en expliquant les l…